Harrison Machines
Harrison Machines z adresy Hasselt:
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Slagmolenstraat 12/005
3500 Hasselt
BE 0461669817
Jonathan Harrison
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LEADWELL Vertical Machining Centre Type:MCV-1000AP Year:1991 Control:FANUC O-M XYZ travel:1000x510x510mm Spindle speed:6000 rpm Spindle Nose BT-40 Table size:1200x500mm Tool chan......
GILDEMEISTER CNC Turning Centre with 3 turrets, sub spindle and live tooling Type:SPRINT 65 Linear Year:2007 Control:ERGOline Touch FANUC 310iB – CELOS Spindle distance:900mm Main ......
JOBS CNC Gantry-Type Milling Machine Type:GRAND SPEEDER Year:2015 Control: HEIDENHAIN iTNC530 XYZ travel:14000x5000x2500mm Fzjcp8C C-axis:400°(土200°) A-axis:220°(土110°) Electro spi......
GILDEMEISTER 5-axis CNC Turning And Milling Centre with C-axis, Y-axis and sub spindle Type:CTX BETA 1250 TC 4A Year:2012 Control:SIEMENS 840D Max. turning diameter:500mm X-axis:45......
OKUMA 8-axis CNC Turning Centre with live tooling Type:LT300-MY Year:2007 Bsnna0Mqpko Control:OKUMA OSP-P200L Swing over bed:550 mm Distance between centres:1200mm Max. turning dia......
MAZAK CNC Turning and Milling Centre Type:INTEGREX200SY Year:1999 Control:MAZATROL FUSION 640MT Max. turning length:1018mm Max. turning diameter:540mm XZ travel:530x1065mm Y travel......
KITAMURA CNC Vertical Machining Centre Type:MYCENTER 3XD Year:2020 Control:ARUMATIK-Mi Control XYZ travel:760x510x510mm Table size:860x500mm Max. table load:800kg Table top to spin......
ROMI CNC Turning Centre with C-axis and live tooling Type:GL280M Year:2012 Control:FANUC Series 0i-TD XZ travel:212x540mm Max. swing:590mm Turning length:540mm Turning diameter: 28......
ROMI CNC Turning Centre Type:C510 Year:2015 Control:SIEMENS SINUMERIK828D XZ travel:280x1555mm Distance between centres:1500mm Swing over bed:520mm Swing over cross slide:255mm Swi......
ROMI CNC Vertical Machining Centre Type:D800 Year:2017 Control: SIEMENS SINUMERIK 828D XYZ travel:800x530x580mm Distance from table top to spindle nose:110-750mm Table size:910x500......