Miešacie zariadenia - stacionárne kúpiť použité (164)

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Stavebné stroje Technológia betónu a príprava malty Miešacie zariadenia - stacionárne
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
160M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m3 stationary concrete batching plant
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

160M3 stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach160m3 stationary concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň
Constmach100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
120 m3/h stacionárne miešanie betónu pla Constmach 120 m3/h stationary concrete mixing  pla
120 m3/h stacionárne miešanie betónu pla Constmach 120 m3/h stationary concrete mixing  pla
120 m3/h stacionárne miešanie betónu pla Constmach 120 m3/h stationary concrete mixing  pla
120 m3/h stacionárne miešanie betónu pla Constmach 120 m3/h stationary concrete mixing  pla
120 m3/h stacionárne miešanie betónu pla Constmach 120 m3/h stationary concrete mixing  pla
120 m3/h stacionárne miešanie betónu pla Constmach 120 m3/h stationary concrete mixing  pla
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Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

120 m3/h stacionárne miešanie betónu pla
Constmach120 m3/h stationary concrete mixing pla

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
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Poľsko Aleksandrów Kujawski
474 km

60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne
Constmach60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
more images
Slovinsko Podgrajska cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
479 km

100M3 stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach100m3 stationary concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
30 m3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 30 m3 stationary concrete batching plant
30 m3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 30 m3 stationary concrete batching plant
30 m3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 30 m3 stationary concrete batching plant
30 m3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 30 m3 stationary concrete batching plant
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

30 m3 stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach30 m3 stationary concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
Kompaktná betonáreň s pásom 30m3/h Constmach Compact concrete plant with belt 30m3/h
Kompaktná betonáreň s pásom 30m3/h Constmach Compact concrete plant with belt 30m3/h
Kompaktná betonáreň s pásom 30m3/h Constmach Compact concrete plant with belt 30m3/h
Kompaktná betonáreň s pásom 30m3/h Constmach Compact concrete plant with belt 30m3/h
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

Kompaktná betonáreň s pásom 30m3/h
ConstmachCompact concrete plant with belt 30m3/h

Certifikovaný predajca
100 m3/h stacionárne dávkovanie betónu pl Constmach 100 m3/h stationary concrete batching pl
100 m3/h stacionárne dávkovanie betónu pl Constmach 100 m3/h stationary concrete batching pl
100 m3/h stacionárne dávkovanie betónu pl Constmach 100 m3/h stationary concrete batching pl
100 m3/h stacionárne dávkovanie betónu pl Constmach 100 m3/h stationary concrete batching pl
100 m3/h stacionárne dávkovanie betónu pl Constmach 100 m3/h stationary concrete batching pl
100 m3/h stacionárne dávkovanie betónu pl Constmach 100 m3/h stationary concrete batching pl
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

100 m3/h stacionárne dávkovanie betónu pl
Constmach100 m3/h stationary concrete batching pl

Certifikovaný predajca
100 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
100 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
100 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
100 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
100 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

100 m3/h suchý typ betonárne
Constmach100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

30 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň
Constmach30 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

60 M3 Stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach60 m3 stationary concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
more images
Slovinsko Podgrajska cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
479 km

60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne
Constmach60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
100M3 stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m3 stationary concrete batching plant
more images
Poľsko Aleksandrów Kujawski
474 km

100M3 stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach100m3 stationary concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
more images
Poľsko Aleksandrów Kujawski
474 km

60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
more images
Poľsko Aleksandrów Kujawski
474 km

100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň
Constmach100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
more images
Slovinsko Podgrajska cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
479 km

60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň
Constmach60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
more images
Slovinsko Podgrajska cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
479 km

60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
160m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
more images
Slovinsko Podgrajska cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
479 km

160m³ stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach160m³ stationary concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
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Rumunsko Hurez
509 km

60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne
Constmach60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
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Rumunsko Hurez
509 km

60 m3/h stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
more images
Rumunsko Hurez
509 km

100 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň
Constmach100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant

Certifikovaný predajca
100m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m³ stationary concrete batching plant
100m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m³ stationary concrete batching plant
100m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m³ stationary concrete batching plant
100m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m³ stationary concrete batching plant
100m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m³ stationary concrete batching plant
100m³ stacionárna betonáreň Constmach 100m³ stationary concrete batching plant
more images
Rumunsko Hurez
509 km

100m³ stacionárna betonáreň
Constmach100m³ stationary concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne Constmach 60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant
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Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

60 m3/h suchý typ betonárne
Constmach60 m3/h dry type concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

120 M3/H Kompaktná betonáreň
Constmach120 m3/h compact concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň Constmach 60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
more images
Nemecko Bautzen
468 km

60 m3/h kompaktná betonáreň
Constmach60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant

Certifikovaný predajca